Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The House That Jack Built

n271637618728_2811 As promised yesterday, here is the story of a young woman’s desire to raise money for those in the devastated country of Haiti.  Jessica tells the story best herself so I will post this in her own words below. As a little side note, our connection with Jessica and here family is, that they live directly across the street from us, and Jack was the builder of our home as well.  The home that my husband and I walked through during the building process, before we were even dating.  Little did we know we would be living here a couple of years later raising our family.

Photo By: Casey Lessard

And now in Jessica’s own words:

The House that Jack Built is a memorial fund for my father. The money is used to build houses for families in Haiti that are homeless. My father was a builder of homes. He loved people and he loved to help people who were in need. He passed away five years ago. Before he died, he was involved in the planning for this fund.
I have had my hair in dread locks for five years, for me, they have been somewhat associated with my grieving process. Now, five years after my dad’s death, I am going to cut off my dreads, in honour of him and his desire to help the people of Haiti.
In light of the recent tragedy that has hit Haiti, the need for money in this fund is greater than ever. This money will help people to begin rebuilding their homes, their lives and their hope after the devastation caused by this earthquake.
My fundraising goal is$5000 (but now, after the tragic events in Haiti, I know that we will raise much more than that). I have 50 dreads on my head, the first 50 people to donate $100 are welcome to come and cut off a dread lock themselves. More details about the dread cutting day will follow.
How to give:
Send cash or cheque to:
Baptist Haiti Mission Canada
P.O. Box 11
602 Wellington Street
Wallaceburg, ON.
N8A 4L5
Include a note designating funds for the House That Jack Built/Jessica’s dread fundraiser. All donations over $10.00 are receiptable.
If you are outside Canada, contact me for info on how to give.

Added Note From Jessica:

One note: People have been asking me if the houses that were already built through the fund are still standing and yes they all did withstand the quake. So there is something to be said for making sure that structures are well built  down there.

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